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Are You Prepared for an Estate Tax Sunset?

June 23, 2023

Did you know the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is scheduled to sunset in 2026?

Here’s what’s at stake if the act is allowed to expire: for wealthy families, the $25.84 million federal estate tax exemption (as of 2023 for a married couple) could be cut in half, and the top income tax rate would revert from 37% to 39.6%.

It may not be time to shift gears, at least not yet. Congress has a long history of extending or replacing expiring tax reforms with similar bills. The best place to start may be a conversation with your financial professional to evaluate your situation and make a plan considering multiple scenarios.

If this estate tax sunset might impact you or your family, let’s not wait until 2026 to start the conversation! The sooner we connect, the better I’ll be able to answer your questions and help make a plan.