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You’ve Decided to Become a Financial Advisor – Here’s What You Do Next

You’ve Decided to Become a Financial Advisor – Here’s What You Do Next

June 10, 2020

If you have a strong desire to help people, becoming a financial advisor could be a rewarding career for you. However, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about this career. Maybe you spoke to a recruiter from an insurance or investment company. It could have come from an article you read online. Or maybe from a friend or family member’s experience with their financial advisor. Allow me to help explain what this career looks like and offer some advice to get you started in your career as a financial advisor.


College was the time of your life where you learned in a classroom with textbooks and professors. In the real world, you learn by DOING. You will fail more than you succeed. You will fall flat on your face. You will be scared at the start. None of that matters. You are supposed to feel scared – right on the edge of that feeling is where your GROWTH comes from. You want that feeling. It means you’re in the right place, doing the right thing. Get comfortable feeling scared and just START.

Spend your Time Where You Want, With Who You Want

Your time isn’t dictated by someone else. You are in control. It’s your calendar and it’s your day. Your week. Your month. If it’s empty, you will feel it in the pit of your stomach and in your wallet. If it’s full, you will feel stressed and challenged. BUT, if your calendar is full of meetings with people YOU care about and people you absolutely feel compelled to help, this job will fill up your soul. Identify who you really care about and who you want to work with – now devote every day to helping protect their lives.

You Need Momentum

How do you get started? You need small victories every single day. For me it’s exercise. I hate doing it. I really do. But if I do it before the day starts, I feel invincible. Those are always productive days. For you it could also be exercise. Or when you wake up. Or how many meetings you set that day. Or contacting that one person you have been afraid to. I don’t care what it is. Momentum creates results in this business and the only way to move forward is by creating momentum.

Do the Work, and the Work will take Care of You

This career will pull you in many different directions – especially at the start. However, your only job at the start is to learn how to meet people under favorable circumstances. That’s it. Learn how to meet or get introduced to people you want to work with under favorable circumstances. The rest is timing and chemistry. It must be their right time, which means you have to be persistent and follow up with them. Focus on learning this simple skill, and I promise you will not fail in this business.

Now, stop reading this and GET STARTED. No more planning and preparing. Just DOING.

Contact me today to learn more about this career and how to get started!