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690 Douglas Pike

Smithfield, RI 02917

Office Two

35 Dyer Street

Portsmouth, RI 02871

Portfolio Management

WealthCare Investment Partners can help invest and allocate assets based upon preferred investment style and risk tolerance. Our asset management strategy reduces the need to focus on day-to-day market fluctuations and concentrates instead on the overall investment portfolio relative to unique goals and timeframes.

No Strategy can assure success or protect against loss. Whether it’s building a comfortable retirement, establishing a legacy for loved ones or simply generating wealth, we all invest with goals in mind. How successful pursing financial goals depends on an investment strategy and the people you trust to implement it. Our team of experienced advisors will develop and maintain a customized asset allocation portfolio that can adapt to address changing needs and evolving market conditions. The following tools are used to maximize return potential and manage risk within a client’s portfolio:

1. Risk Assessment

In the investment world, risk generally is associated with uncertainty. It refers to the possibility that an investment will lose some or all of or that an investment will yield less than its anticipated return. We believe that the key to successful long-term investing lies in minimizing risk, rather than trying to maximize gains.

2. Asset Allocation

We believe one of the most effective risk management strategies that can be employed is asset allocation. Asset allocation is the process of spreading investment dollars across different asset classes. This strategy creates a balance between risk and potential return to align investments with long-term objectives. Based on this foundation, we construct diversified portfolios that take advantage of investment opportunities, while aiming to minimize the downside impact that any one investment could have within a portfolio.

3. Alternative Investments

Beyond the three primary asset classes – stocks, bonds, cash – many other types of investments can be used to diversify investment portfolios. “Alternative assets” are used to potentially stabilize portfolio return due to their lack of correlation with other types of traditional investments. Part of sound portfolio management is diversifying investments so that if one type of investment is performing poorly, another may be doing well.