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Life by Design Podcast Archive 2023

Browse the Life by Design Podcast Archive where Royal Standley of Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors shares his planning approach to help people toward a place where they may be at peace regarding their financial goals. Subscribe to the podcast below to receive the latest episodes.

Strategies for Success in a Volatile Market - Episode 90

Explore investment options and information to navigate uncertain times in the market while learning about strategies to leverage annuities, bonds and high yield investments from Royal Standley. Royal touches on the volatility and uncertainty in the market and the importance of having a long-term perspective.

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From Bankruptcy to Financial Success with Chris Bautista - Episode 89

In this episode, Royal Standley is joined by Chris Bautista, of Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors, who shares his background and experiences with financial struggles and bankruptcy. Chris shares his journey of owning a business and subsequently losing it during an economic downturn before finding his new path in life.

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Lessons on Scam Prevention - Episode 88

In this episode, Royal Standley explores ways to protect oneself from falling victim to scams, such as verifying phone calls and not trusting unfamiliar emails or messages. Royal shares personal experiences and statistics related to fraud, emphasizing the vulnerability of older individuals.  

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Effective Strategies for Positive Company Culture with Lisa McClease-Kelly - Episode 87

In this episode, Royal Standley speaks with Lisa McClease-Kelly, Co-Owner of Kelly’s Automotive Services, as she opens up about her move to Oregon, the challenges she tackled while building her business, and why values and community support matter deeply.

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Empathy, Entrepreneurship, and Client-Centered Financial Planning with Jenny Hamilton - Episode 86

In this episode, Royal Standley and Bill Tucker are joined by Jenny Hamilton, a financial planner with Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors, in discussing her background and transition into the financial industry. Jenny dives into how she helps clients better understand their financial opportunities and connects with clients on a personal level to help them better.

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From CNN to Podcasting: Bill's Transition to a More Intimate Medium With Bill Tucker and Royal Standley - Episode 85

In this episode, Royal Standley interviews the latest addition to his podcast, Bill Tucker, a podcast producer with Proudmouth and an award-winning reporter. Bill shares his extensive background in the media industry, including his career in radio and his transition to working as a producer for CNN's business news division, along with his time as a commodity broker and shares insights about trading and risk tolerance.

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Exploring the Impact of Boys Town with Aric Johnson and Royal Standley - Episode 84

In this episode, Royal Standley turns the tables to interview his own podcast producer and host, Aric Johnson, President & CEO of AXIS Coaching and Consulting as well as a producer with Proudmouth. Aric shares his experiences working with Boys Town, an organization that provides opportunities for youngsters involved with the court system.

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Who is Royal Standley and Who Does He Help? - Episode 83

In this episode, financial advisor Royal Standley of Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors discusses his background, passion, and career in financial services. He specializes in retirement and business planning, emphasizing active engagement and hosting educational events on topics like cybersecurity along with his involvement in the community.

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How to Future Proof Your Career Financially - Episode 82

In this episode, Royal Standley focuses on creating a solid financial plan for future career paths. He explores what opportunities clients should be aware of for their future careers and the importance of ensuring a stable and secure financial future for their families.

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Will Your Estate Plan Survive a Stress Test? - Episode 81

In this episode, Royal Standley focuses on stress testing financial and estate plans to ensure the clients have saved enough for the lifestyle they are accustomed to. Royal shares how he helps clients identify their needs and discover possible problems before they happen.

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The Problem with Hitting the Government Debt Ceiling - Episode 80

In this episode, Royal Standley explores what it means to hit the debt ceiling and why it is a big deal if there is no solution. He shares how hitting the debt ceiling impacts different levels of individuals, from government bodies to regular consumers, and how it impacts financial planning.

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The Impact of Social Connection on Health - Episode 79

In this episode, Royal Standley explores the importance of social connections on longevity and health. Royal shares how different age groups can expand their communities and societies shift by taking the time to connect with those around, whether it’s calling up a friend, joining a local group or mentoring the next generation.

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2023 So Far: Analyzing Common Concerns and Trends - Episode 78

In this episode, Royal Standley analyzes the topics that have stood out the most in the first part of the year and those that have also generated panic and uncertainty in the market. Royal talks about the importance of planning and organizing our wealth during advanced ages of life, the current situation of the uncertainty of the US dollar with the rise of the Yuan, and the actuality in the stock and bonds markets.

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How Financial Advisors Plan Through the Client’s Life Journey - Episode 77

In this episode, Royal Standley explores the relationship between advisor and client through the planning process. Royal shares a story to illustrate the process from the first meeting through planning for retirement and eventually bringing in the next generation as the client nears the end of their life.

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Building a Home Out of Roadblocks with Michele Farrell - Episode 76

After joining Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors over a year ago and with over 20 years of experience in the financial planning and insurance space, Michele Farrell has dug her roots in the industry by connecting with other professionals such as CPAs, estate planning attorneys and insurance professionals.

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How to Find the Right Advisor for Your Planning Needs - Episode 75

In this episode, Royal Standley focuses on what the different designations mean, both for the advisor’s education and for the clients looking to find the right advisor. Royal explores how having more designations isn’t always the best option for providing great advice or time management.

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How the SECURE Act 2.0 Changes Retirement Planning - Episode 74

In this episode, Royal Standley focuses on the major points of the SECURE Act 2.0 that might affect most people and what this bill could mean from a planning standpoint. Royal reveals some of the updates to retirement planning tools that financial planners or clients may not have noticed yet and their role in boosting retirement income.

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