Broker Check
17 Nov
Zoom Webinar: Risky Investing vs. Diversification


When euphoria takes over the market, some investors attempt to time it chasing huge returns. We're going to dive into three times in history this happened and how investors were caught holding stocks that lost their worth.

Then, we'll look into why a diversified investor wins in comparison over the long run by analyzing how a diversified portfolio performs in comparison. 

Historical Examples include:
  • The Housing Market (Real Estate Investing)
  • The Dotcom Crash (Tech Investing)
  • The Energy Bubble (Energy Investing)
Invest 30 minutes and go into the holiday season with a perspective on your investments!

Date and Time

Wed, Nov 17, 2021

11:00a - 11:30a EST


Zoom LIVE Webinar


You will receive the Zoom link for the webinar in the confirmation email you receive after registering.


Event Registration