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How Do I Know When I Have Enough Money to Retire?

March 25, 2021

Confidently Retire Knowing That You Won't Run Out of Money. 

You need to be sure that you can live the rest of your life on the amount of money you've saved up and invested. It's not fun to go from eating steak and lobster to hot dogs and beans because of bad planning. 

There is no set magic number for any person to retire on because every person's situation is unique. You can calculate this number roughly using online tools, but we don't suggest doing that. You shouldn't guess when it comes to your future.

Instead, we suggest meeting with a Financial Advisor so they can talk to you about your life and future goals to determine how much money you'll need each year in retirement. Our team knows how tempting it can be to overspend, and we work to keep you on track so you don't have to go back to work in the future.

We can tell you how much money you'll need to stay on that steak diet in retirement. Schedule a 15-Minute call with us so we can calculate your retirement number for you!

Schedule A Call With Us!

Nelson Elder Care Law, LLC is not affiliated with Avantax Wealth ManagementSM