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What Does Labor Day Have to Do With Retirees?

What Does Labor Day Have to Do With Retirees?

September 01, 2020

Next Monday will be the first Monday in September which in this country means we celebrate Labor Day.  For my family this usually marks the end of summer, it’s probably one of the last weekends up at the cabin, and I almost always throw something on the pellet grill. 

{Audio} Labor Day

The history of Labor Day is a little more than a weekend of grilling with friends at the lake however.  Labor Day was created in late 19th Century and became an official holiday in 1894.  The Labor Day weekend really is a celebration of American workers and their achievements, beginning out of the hard labor conditions in the Industrial Revolution and the child labor and unsanitary work conditions of that time.

So, what does Labor Day have to do with retirees?  In working with thousands of retirees all across the nation I have learned that many retirees miss work more than they thought they would.  Many times we don’t appreciate the positive aspects of work.  In light of this Labor Day holiday, consider these positive aspects of work:

  1. Work allows us to add value.  It’s easy to find purpose at work and see how we have accomplished something which made a difference for someone.
  2. Work allows us to use our talents to solve problems.  Regardless if we are a teacher or factory worker, we are using our God given talents to solve problems and impact people at work.
  3. Work gives us “guardrails” or a schedule for our day.  Depending on the type of work we do, we often have a set schedule for our time and physical requirements to keep us moving.
  4. Work and accomplishment helps us find “True Rest.”  When we work and accomplish things, we tend to appreciate needed, earned rest much more.
  5. Work creates and encourages community.  Whether it's co-workers, clients, or vendors, we develop and grow relationships at work.

If you are soon to be retired or already retired, reflect on the positive aspects of work, define your sense of achievement in retirement, and remember to retire TO something not just FROM something.

Looking for assistance in defining your sense of purpose in retirement? We can help. Give us a call at 320.222.4236 to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation meeting today.