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Retire Repurposed: The Two Kinds of Purpose

Retire Repurposed: The Two Kinds of Purpose

December 10, 2019

Purpose is major buzzword right now. And the thought of trying to find your new purpose in retirement may sound daunting. However, if we break it down into two different types, you'll find it easier to make the transition into a Repurposed retirement. 

{AUDIO} Retire Repurposed: The Two Kinds of Purpose

Purpose is all about others

No one has ever been given the purpose of only watching out for themselves. At it's core, purpose is not about you. This is the avenue by which purpose brings fulfillment and significance. In fact, the fastest way to an unfulfilled life is to only focus on yourself. Before we understand the two kinds of purpose, it's important to established this mindset toward retirement.

"Big P" purpose

These are the occasional, but big forms of service for a retiree. An example would be serving on a board, going on a missions trips, or accomplishing a community project. The "high" you'll experience from this type of purpose is extremely gratifying. However, a retirees should not expect to have this feeling everyday. Regardless, make sure you're building "Big P" purpose into your retirement agenda. 

"Little p" purpose

We consider "little p" purpose as smaller contributions. These are simple, but still significant, acts of service that retirees can engage in on a daily basis. One of our clients recalled a time when she was helping her aging mother with simple tasks like trimming her nails. The mother felt sorry that her daughter had to do help in this way. But, our client embraced this "little p" purpose as a rewarding daily act of service to her mother.

At Taatjes Financial Group we take pride that we not only help clients plan financially for retirement, but coach and guide them into a retirement of purpose and fulfillment.

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