Building Wealth During Covid-19: Day 5 - It's the Weekend, Take a Free Day!

March 21, 2020

It's a springtime Saturday and there's a lot to get done on my property so I've decided to keep today's note light.

I've learned a lot over the last decade as an entrepreneur. I've been fortunate to work with very successful executives and to be coached by some of the most successful business coaches. Through these resources, I'm learning the importance of taking "Free Days" and right now seems as good of a time as any.

With all that's going on in your personal world and throughout the globe, we all need to take some time to shut it all off and just relax. You need time to rejuvenate your mind and energy. You'll be far more productive and open to new ideas, both highly critical at this time.

I think due to the mental complexity of my daily work with clients, I find a lot of satisfaction in physical work. So today, It's a sunny day in CT (we've had about a week of rain and are about to get a week more) so I'll be getting my energy out cutting down trees on our property and completing a few other projects around the house. I encourage you to do the same and shut off the world for just a bit, I bet you'll be pleased you did.

-Tim Golas, Partner @ Spurstone - Architects of Executive Wealth