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Divorce Financial Planning

Client Centered

Going through a divorce is a difficult process legally, emotionally, and financially. Having the right experts to escort you through each of these challenging transitions can make all the difference as to whether, at the end of the process, you are safe and okay.

We work with you to level the playing field by giving you a greater level of understanding of assets, cashflows, what might be on the table, and to develop a picture of your future financial life. We work with your team to enhance economic understanding and brainstorm alternatives to help design successful outcomes. 

After it's over, we can make sure assets get transferred to you as they are supposed to, and invested in a manner that can support your needs.



- Are you a candidate for alimony?
- How much will it be?
- How long will you get it?
- Is there anything that can stop it?
- Will I be economically safe for my lifetime?

<strong>Supporting Your Children</strong>

Supporting Your Children

- Will you get support for your kids?
- Will it be enough for them to maintain their lifestyle?
- Do you have a plan for colleges? Weddings?
- Do you have plans for their Healthcare?

<strong>Asset Division</strong>

Asset Division

- What is a QDRO and QDR?
- How does the money transfer?
- How is it taxed? 
- How is my retirement impacted?
- How do we decide to split assets?
- Is one asset worth the same as another?

<strong>Estate Planning</strong>

Estate Planning

- Who will raise your young kids if you're gone?
- Will they have everything they need?
- If your kids may not be independent, have you and your future ex worked together to create a legal safety plan?
- Who will manage their money until they can, if ever?

Learn how we can help you through the divorce process.

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